Central Oregon Region: North
Central Region County: Grant Nearest major highway: US Hwy 395 Distance to nearest major highway: 21 miles Distance
to Portland: 225 miles Distance to Bend: 142 miles Nearest major city: John Day Distance to nearest major city: 63
miles Estimated driving time: 60 minutes
City of Monument Address: Monument City Hall P.O. Box 426 Monument,
OR 97864
Phone: 541-934-2025 Fax: 541-934-2025
City Web Page: http://www.anglefire.com/or2/Monument
City Email: monument@oregontrail.net
For more information
on Grant County Contact Grant County Chamber of Commerce at 541-575-0547, visit their web page at www.grantcounty.cc/ or email
them at chamber@grantcounty.cc